What Size Air Conditioner Do I Need for My Home?
May 19, 2021

When choosing a new air conditioner for your home, it’s critical that you get one that’s the right size. An AC system that is too large or small for your home will cause several problems. There are many variables that go into figuring out the right size AC system.
Load Calculation
When you hire an HVAC company to replace your air conditioner, they will perform a “load calculation.” The software they use takes many factors into account. Some of these are where your home is, its square footage, the number of windows, the quality of insulation, and whether it’s shielded from the sun.
How Are Air Conditioners Rated?
Air conditioners are rated according to their cool capacity and energy efficiency. Cooling capacity is measured in tons. AC systems for homes have cooling capacities between 1.5 and 5 tons. The energy efficiency of an air conditioner is its SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating. The higher the SEER, the more efficient it is.
Why You Don’t Want Too Large of an Air Conditioner
If your air conditioner has too much cooling capacity, it will short cycle. This means it turns on, rapidly cools your home, and then shuts off. This is very energy inefficient, so your electricity bills will be high. The air conditioner also won’t be able to dehumidify your home, making it uncomfortable.
Why You Also Don’t Want Too Small an Air Conditioner
You also don’t want too small of an air conditioner for your home just so you can save money on its installation. It won’t be able to make your home cool because it doesn’t have enough cooling capacity. It will run constantly in a vain effort to cool your home when it’s really hot out, which drives up your electricity bills.
Rim Country Mechanical, Inc. of Show Low, AZ, will help you get the right size air conditioner when you need a new one. We also repair and maintain them. Rim Country Mechanical, Inc. also repairs, replaces, and maintains heating systems. We also offer indoor air quality solutions. Please call today to schedule an appointment.